Letter to the Editor of Whatever Dear Editor of some random periodical I pulled out of the recycling bin, Drugs should be legalized for the sole reason that Laws aren't ment to make people's choices for them, but to protect the rights of others. We should only make laws to protect people from getting robbed, mudered, or raped, not because someone says "Well I heard It's bad for people to do this so we should outlaw it blah blah blah...." Just let people do what they want to themselves so long as they don't hurt anyone else. Some people you should just let be stupid! I'm not insensetive, I'm Darwinian. Doesn't anyone know natural selection when they see it? I say we start trimming the herd NOW! I'm pro choice, pro abortion, pro assisted suicide, Hell, as long as it leaves more apples for me! There is a reason that rednecks have guns, beer, and live a reeeaaaally long way away from hospitals! Either they get drunk and shoot themselves so thier breed dies out, or they get drunk, shoot themselves, drive accross the state to the "Big Fancy City-Folk Hospital", meet a nice nurse or doctor and expand thier gene pool larger than a 7-11 Big Gulp! It all works out in the end! Also, once drugs are legalized, Crackhouses and Dealers will go out of buissness because of big companies. Think about it, all the crime related to drugs is from people dealing it illegaly or someone doing whatever they can to get the money to pay the super-high prices for it. If it is large corperations mass produceing the drugs, people won't have to kill to get it or kill to protect it. Then the government can launch campaigns against Big Drug Companies funded by the millions they would get from taxing the hell out of it, just like they do against Big Tobacco Companies.
Signed, Teague Tysseling
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