It would be downright arrogant to assume we know anything about how reality works. The "Laws of Physics" are a joke. Laws of Physics stated that the Sun revolved around the Earth, then gallileo proved that it was the other way around. Laws of Physics stated that "What goes up, must come down", then we started sending shuttles into orbit. Laws of Physics state that time-travel is impossibel, I say be patient. If spiritual energy is indeed energy and energy coun't be destroyed , ctu shifted from form to form, then wouldn't the theory of reincarnation meke sense. Also, if we are indeed all energy that shifts, couldn't energy shift from spiritual to kenetic, electromagnetic, heat, or even nuclear, thus making the Sun one giant ghost. And to those of you who would point out that I used the Laws of Physics to prove that last paragraph I say "SCREW YOU, I'M A RAGING HYPOCRITE!!!"
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